
It has been quite a year!

It has been quite a year!

Throughout the last year, I've found myself picking up the pieces from various losses and confronting some profound, adult feelings. Feelings like "At this point, how do I help my sons continue to become solid men?" or "What do I carry forward from the loss of loved ones, and what do I leave behind?" have been at the forefront of my mind. I've also grappled with thoughts about caring for aging parents, my own aging, and what to do with my time when my sons no longer need it as much.

Amidst all this, I've had to ponder how to heal from the past without dwelling on it and what it means when the institutions I've grown up respecting seem to continually fail. It's been a year of introspection and growth, to say the least.

Without delving too deep into these topics, as they are still being actively processed in my mind, I've come to learn a few things that have helped me to contextualize each of these questions.

Opinions I have formed:

  • Traveling is healing: There's something about getting out of your own space that's incredibly healing. Seeing how others live and developing a global sense of empathy connects you to a larger purpose. We are all part of the same tribe, and it's important to act accordingly. A recent trip to Iceland really brought this home for me as we found ourselves literally in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by people with the same goals, desires and ambitions. We are not as unique as we believe.

  • Social media is cancer (but not always): Despite its name, social media can often feel like the antithesis of social connection. It creates an illusion, feeding our fears, loves, desires, and comforts at an alarming rate, all while being devoid of genuine, meaningful interaction. However, it's not all bad when used mindfully.

    • In this light, I've also come to view most "News" outside of sources like Reuters or The Associated Press as skewed, propaganda and devoid of anything other than an echo chamber, playing to our base fears.

  • I have wasted time: The tech adage, "if a product is free, YOU are the product," rings true. Despite knowing this, I still feel the pull of these "social" platforms. I need to be more disciplined in using these platforms for my benefit, rather than building theirs.

  • Consistency over perfection: Striving for perfection can often hinder progress. Breaking this barrier with consistent actions is key. Want to run a marathon? Start with consistent short runs. Need to get out of a creative rut? Just pick up your camera and start shooting. It's the act of creating that counts, not immediate results.

Goals for the New Year:

  • Travel more and connect with diverse people: I plan to continue traveling as much as possible, seeking to meet people from diverse backgrounds and learning from them.

  • Put social media in its place: I intend to control my social media usage, not the other way around. This means turning off all notifications, scheduling specific times for consumption, and focusing on what truly affects my life.

  • Prioritize my platform: Sharing my thoughts and work should start here, on my site. I prefer a few meaningful connections over millions of fleeting ones.

  • Embrace action over perfection: I want to focus on doing little things that matter to me, without being held back by the pursuit of perfection. This means continuously creating, regardless of the outcome or audience.


I have a back catalog of thousands of photos and many ideas on how I want to share them. So, I commit to creating one blog post per week this year, released every Tuesday. These posts will explore my travels, my photo capturing and editing processes, thoughts on new gear, and occasionally, introspective musings. While you might see me on social media, remember that my primary goal is to make this space a hub for genuine connection. So, feel free to reach out in the comments or via the contact form. I'd love to hear from you.

Until then...

Here are a few random photos from my recent travels to Las Vegas, Iceland, Zermatt, Alaska, and Sunset Beach. 🙂

I'm cautiously optimistic about this new phase of life. It feels like a disruption, standing on the brink of the next chapter. But with this perspective, I'm determined to avoid my greatest fear: just doing nothing.

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