All in Photo Journal

Winter Arrives

Despite our best wishes, Winter was off to a slow start this year. Our household loves the winter and routinely we look forward to spending time outside on sleds, skis, snowboards, etc.

By this time each year, we have a solid base of snow...

Winter Retreat

Waiting for Winter to arrive is tricky. Most of the time, you hear those around you complaining about the cold, the conditions, etc., but for us, we look forward to it. What is tricky is the phase leading up to Winter, where the weather is cold and dreary, but the snow is nowhere to be found. No one is happy.

A Sudden Expansion

I still remember the first day that I went to kindergarten. I didn't like that experience. The sudden, immediate expansion of my world from the safe walled garden that I had been living in was now thrust upon me. I felt unprepared and overwhelmed...

A Light Shines Through

I have been reading several of John Muir's books lately and reflecting on the nature of things in general. I find that his writings help me observe more fully how I exist within the context of the world, as well as how Nature influences me as an inhabitant of this planet. That is all to say...